Project goal:
Regionstore is a prominent village enterprise specializing in agricultural and construction products. Our primary focus is to cater to the diverse needs of the local community in the field of agriculture and construction.
Our company takes pride in being a leading provider of tobacco products in Azerbaijan. We understand the importance of maintaining a corporate image, and our website reflects this commitment. The website is designed in accordance with the highest corporate standards, and the entire project was tailored to align with our unique design specifications.
Regionstore operates a bilingual website, featuring content in both English and Azerbaijani. The website is powered by the WordPress CMS, and special attention was given to ensuring that the design closely matches the provided prototype. It is noteworthy that the company did not have an existing website at the time of the application, and our team executed the project precisely according to the technical requirements outlined.
Frontend Development: Our team employed cutting-edge technologies, including CSS3, HTML5, and jQuery, along with custom elements integrated into the WordPress CMS platform. The website boasts an adaptive layout, ensuring optimal viewing on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Backend Development: We implemented key functionalities such as career features, dynamic cigarette sampling, and made additional enhancements to existing plugins to enhance the overall user experience. Our dedication to detail and adherence to the technical specifications set the foundation for a successful collaboration with Regionstore.